Tan 27,
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the constant abuse and torture I put you through. You are by far the best car that I ever laid my hands on (probably cause' you're the only car I can drive). You didn't only bring me from point A to point B, you were also the provider of food and entertainment for me, as you were the only link between me and the food heaven that lies outside the accursed food hell that I like to call Nottingham Uni. As it is convention to list out all transgressions one have when seeking forgiveness (refer to Catholic rite of Confession), I would do so too, in hopes that I will be forgiven.
To the engine, I have wronged you in ways unimagined by any car enthusiast or car lovers out there. I did not observe the unwritten rule that I must accelerate at a gradual rate. Instead, I always step down on the accelerator just to get the kick out of the sheer speed. Even though I could clearly hear your groans and wails of exertion, I choose to ignore you just because I want to push you to your absolute limit. I felt a deep remorse after touching the 160 km/h mark, as I know I'm putting my life and your wellbeing on the line. How selfish I was back then. Not only that, I have also hurt you due to my negligence. I didn't know that the gear was still at
neutral when I attempted to
turn you off. I was struggling to turn the stubborn key as it wouldn't nudge, when it fact you were reminding of my idiocy.
To the tyres, you have always been there for me, no matter how much I have mistreated you. I can still remember the times where I went up curbs numerous times, because of the lack of driving skills on mu part. Those wild sessions of 'drifting' along the windy roads of Broga also placed a lot of strain on you. That time when you screeched out loud , was when I realise you were the ultimate victim of this lofty pursuit of mine. Parts of you were left on the road, causing your wondrous treads to slowly disappear. Those tyre marks on the road were signs of my humiliating inability to drive well.
To the exterior of the car, I'm sorry you have to suffer silently for my sloppiness and 'tak apa' attitude. I'm suppose to give you a bath, but I have always neglected that important task. I'm also sorry that you have to experience the
kampung treatment
, i.e. dusty roads, countless potholes, pebble-laden streets, an overflow of lorries and trucks on the road... The bottom of the car suffers the worst of these mistreatments. The streets of Semenyih are dominated by bumps, and unless I travel real slowly, the bottom would hit the bumps HARD! Every time my ears catch the painful cries of 'kkrraaakk' or 'BOOM', my heart breaks into two.
I must also apologise for subjecting you carrying loads that you don't deserve to carry. You are already at your limit when there are 5 people in the car, but 6 is way too much. You have always strive hard to carry these bunch of people and didn't complain at all, and I have ignored your struggles and pain.
Tan 27, I am sorry about all the above sins I have committed against you. At the bottom of my heart lies a deep regret, and I hope that you can find in your mechanical revving heart to forgive me. I will give you that shower of yours that you have long awaited, and I will try my very best to not abuse you again.
Undeserving Driver